Airman – Price H. – Airman’s Letter

November 1942

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 21 November 1942

Home Thoughts from Abroad

Conisbrough Airman’s Letter

L.A/c. H. Price, a Conisbrough man serving in the Middle East, has sent us the following letter, which arrived on Wednesday in an envelope marked “On Active Service.” Some of the comments made may now seem a little out of date but we give the letter here as representative of the point of view of many who are serving far from borne.

L.A/c. Price writes: ” Just a line or two to let you know how I appreciate reading the ” South Yorkshire Times and being a native of Conisbrough, I have it sent to me regularly by my wife and you cannot believe how much joy it brings NM to sit and read all the local news. It takes me right back home when I read it. Too bad that there are no more local lads here that I can pass the copies on to.

“ I read with deep regret of the terrible disaster which occurred at the Barnburgh Main Colliery and my deepest sympathy is extended to all the bereaved. However I read with disgust of the number of strikes that are taking place at the different collieries up and down the country, locally, too. That kind of action is not helping up boys out here a deal; it is now that everyone should be making their biggest effort to help win this war. I for one do not want to spend half a lifetime out here, and that sort of thing will not get me home any sooner.

“Being an ex-colliery worker myself I can understand all the difficulties that the men have to face, but surely at a critical time like this any grievances could be solved another way. I know that thousands, as well as myself would gladly change any of them places just to be at home… They would fully understand the meaning of “home” If they had to do a year or two out here.

“Being a keen footballer and once member of the Conisbrough Northcliffe team, the sports page is very interesting to me and I am delighted to read that Conisbrough Welfare won the championship of the Mexborough Intermediate for the second year in succession. My congratulations to them.

I will end by wishing your paper every success and I send my greetings to all and my many friends in Conisbrough and Denaby.”