South Yorkshire Times, August 5th 1944
Mr. George Spurr, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Spurr, of 15, Bolton Street, Denaby Main, has been promoted to the rank of Flight Lieutenant in the R.A.F. Regiment. Flt. Lt. Spurr joined the R.A.F. in 1940 and gained at the rank of Flying Officer in 1942. He has been on the Burma front for nearly two years.
In an airgraph to our correspondent a few weeks ago he wrote:
“Thank you for finding time to send me a few lines, which are appreciated Life goes on much the same out here; we are still in the news, although the fine events in Normandy in Italy have put us somewhat in the background. We are still under canvas, but because of the monsoon we have pitched our tents on the hillside, the advantage of this being that the rain runs to the bottom of the hill, even if it goes via the tent floor. I saw a film the other night, shown in the open, but we enjoyed it as we sat on the grass. The last I saw was in Calcutta in November.”
Flt. Lt. Spurr was connected with Epworth Hall, and was a popular member. He did much to promote the work among young people.