All Over the Pig – A Conisborough Row

May 1902

Mexborough and Swinton Times May 9, 1902

All Over the Pig

A Conisborough Row

Patrick McDonald, miner, Conisbro was summoned by Henry White, for assaulting him on 26 April.

A cross summons had also been issued, charging White with assaulting MacDonald.

Mr Tovey said on the previous Saturday evening, about 6 o’clock the assault complained of was committed. The defendant lived next door, went into complainants garden and asked him to sell him a pig, and first offered complainant £4 10s for it. Complainant absolutely refused to sell the pig at all.

The defendant, annoyed and disappointed, struck the complainant in the mouth with his face. Complainant told him he was a coward. Defendant went into his house, but shortly afterwards came out to get, and struck the complainant again, and also threatened him. At after an hour afterwards the defendant expressed his sorrow for what he had done. The complainant forgave him. They began talking about the pig again, and defendant assaulted him again.

Complainant and the witness bore out this statement.

PC Barnet said when he saw the complainant he looked as if he had been very badly assaulted, had wound 2 inches long and he said, and was bruised about the face.

For the defence it was contended that the complainant was the aggressor, and assaulted MacDonald.

One witness and the defendant gave evidence to this effect.

Both cases were dismissed.