Mexborough & Swinton Times, February 11 1927
All Worn Out?
A Denaby Main Woman Tells Her Experience.
Are you tired all the time; worn out night and day?
Does your back ache as if it would break?
Do you suffer dizziness, headaches, rheumatic twinges or distressing urinary disorders?
Do you have good cause, then, to be alarmed about your kidneys?
Do as many of your neighbours recommend.
Use Doan’s Backache Kidney Pills, the medicine which has been relieving lumbago, sciatica, rheumatism, dropsy and other kidney complaints for half a century.
This Denaby main case proves the value of Doan’s pills.
On 24 May, 1913, Mrs F. Fuller, 24, Adwick Street Denaby main, said: – “I was practically crippled with Lumbago. There were fearful pains in my back and hips, which struck up into my shoulders. If I stooped I could hardly get up again. I was kept awake at night. The excretions were disordered and painful.
“One box of Doan’s Backache Kidney Pills gave me grand relief. I was quite cured after I had given them a fair trial. Doan’s pills deserve every praise.”
On 2 December. 1926 Mrs Fuller said: – “I can honestly recommend Doan’s pills as an effective kidney remedy. (Signed) F. Fuller.”
Same price everywhere, 3s a box.
Don’t ask for “backache pills,” or “kidney pills,” ask distinctively for Doan’s Backache Kidney Pills, the same as Mrs Fuller had.