Alleged Attack on a Conisbro’ Glassblower

February 1890

Sheffield Independent – Monday 10 February 1890

Alleged Attack on a Conisbro’ Glassblower

At Doncaster on Saturday, Thos. Kelly, bootmaker, Conisbro’, was charged with hating assaulted John Yates, glassblower, of Conisbro’.

Mr. Hall appeared for the defendant, and Mr. Hattersley for the complainant.

The complainant said on the previous Saturday, after he had left the Station Inn at “turning-out ” time, the defendant knocked him down and kicked him brutally. His jaw was so injured that he could not eat properly, and he had not been able to work since.

The defence was a total denial of the assault, and that the complainant was the worse for liquor and could not identify his assailant.

Witnesses were called for the defence, and the magistrates said they could not convict on the unsupported testimony of the complainant.

The case was dismissed.