Alleged Robbery at Denaby – Miner Committed For Trial.

August 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 08 August 1892

Alleged Robbery at Denaby

Conisborough Miner Committed For Trial.

At the Rotherham West Riding Police Court, on Monday, Patrick Madden, miner, of New Conisborough, was charged on remand with having’ stolen £18 18s from the person of William Smith, horse slaughterer, of Crowle.

Mr. Hickmott, who prosecuted, said the offence was committed at, Denaby as far back as the 18th of February last., On that day prosecutor hal been to Rotherham,’ where he had sold a number of pigs for £18 18s

He went on to Denaby to see a friend named Wilby and they went into the Reresby Arms Inn. Wilby asked Smith it he could lend him 20s., and Smith took the bag containing the money from his pocket and was getting the sovereign, when Wilby said he was only joking, and had made the request to see if he would oblige him. The prisoner was in the room at the time. Soon afterwards Smith left, and the prisoner accompanied him. Outside the inn the prisoner pit his hand in Smith’s pocket, and took the money. He was pursued, but got away.

Prosecutor stated that on the day named be was in the Reresby Arms, Denaby, and a conversation took place respecting some money. He took the bag out of his pocket, and said there were “quids” (meaning sovereigns’) in it. Prisoner was in the room, and heard the conversation between him and Wilby. He (prosecutor) afterwards asked the waiter when the urinal was, and prisoner said he was going out, and volunteered to show him. They both proceded to the place and prisoner put his hand is his (prosecutor’s) pocket, and seized the bag containing the money and ran away. He followed him, and eventually prisoner turned into a “jennel,” when he (prosecutor) lost sight of him.

The bag contained £18 10s. in gold and 8s. 9d. in silver and copper.

Prisoner: was you sober?—Witness: I was sober, so that I knew what I was about.

Frank Oldfield, waiter at the Reresby Arms, Denaby, deposed that he saw the prisoner and prosecutor and a man named Wilby in the tap-room. Prosecutor paid for a quart of beer. He saw prisoner and prosecutor leave the room together, and directly afterwards prisoner ran through the room followed by prosecutor, who cried out “Stop thief.” Prosecutor was sober.

Cross-examined by prisoner, witness did not hear prosecutor say,” he has done me; but before night I shall do somebody else”

Margaret Fennoughty, wife of Patrick Fennoughty, publican, of Westgate, Rotherham, stated that on the 16th February, between three and four o’clock is the afternoon, prisoner visited their house. He remained about an hour. He paid for drink for the company. Prisoner handed her fifteen pounds, asking her to take care of it for him. It was tied in a handkerchief. He told her that he had had a quarrel with his wife, and had sold up his home. Witness’s husband shortly afterwards came into the house and she told him that prisoner had given her the money to take care of. At her husband’s request, however, she gave it prisoner back again. She knew the prisoner well.

Kathleen McGuire, pianist, in the employ of Patrick Fennoughty, gave confirmatory evidence.

Police constable Midgley, stationed at Denaby; said he received a warrant last February for the apprehension of the prisoner, who had absconded. On the 7th of the present month he found him in a house at Conisborough. He apprehended him, and prisoner tried to get away, but was seized by another officer at the door. Witness read the warrant over to him, and he replied “What’s the use of reading a warrant when you have got the man.” Witness knew the house where prisoner lived last February. He did not sell up his home.

Prisoner was formally charged and asked if he had anything to pay.

In reply, he said he had not had “fair play.” All the evidence which went against him had been hunted up, but none had been given in his favour