Alleged Robbery from the Person at Denaby

August 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 12 August 1892

Alleged Robbery from the Person at Denaby

Patrick Madden, plasterer, of Conisborough, was charged on warrant with having stolen eighteen guineas from the person of William Smith, huckster, of Crowle, on the lath February last.-Mr. Hickmott prosecuted, and said he wished for an adjournment for a week so that he might secure the attendance of witnesses.

At the time of the offence, prisoner absconded, and had only recently been apprehended. When taken into custody and the officer was reading the warrant over to him, prisoner replied, ”What’s the good of reading the warrant when you have got the man ?”

Police constable Midgley gave formal evidence as to the arrest of the prisoner.

Adjourned for a week.

Prisoner, it is stated, has been in trouble before.