Alleged Swindling by a Book Canvasser

February 1887

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Monday 21 February 1887

Alleged Swindling by a Book Canvasser at Doncaster.

On Saturday at the West Riding Court, Doncaster, William Frederick Horton, described as a canvasser, from Nottingham, was charged with obtaining various sums of money by false pretences.

It appeared that from April, 1885, to August last, prisoner was a book canvasser on commission tor Mr. C. Wheatley, printer and publisher, but now has no connection with that firm, and has no authority to receive money  on Mr. Wheatley’s account.

For several weeks he has , been in Doncaster and district, and representing that he was collecting names for directory to be published by Mr. Wheatley, has obtained a large amount money in small sums from shopkeepers – no less than 560 persons having given their names to him. He represented that the directory was to be published, once in three years, and some cases obtained 1 s , and in others 8d. per year.

He was charged with obtaining money on false pretences from Arthur Crowther, chemist; Nancy Hardy, greengrocer; George Goodlad, , butcher; and Edward Pagden, grocer, Conisborough, and was committed for trial at the Quarter Sessions