Alleged Theft from Conisbro’ Station

September 1899

York Herald – Monday 18 September 1899

Alleged Theft from Conisbro’ Station

At Doncaster on. Saturday Thos. Griffin, collier, of New Conisbro’, and Jane Brown, a married woman, were charged with stealing two boxes of raisins on the 2nd September. Prisoners live together.

On the 2nd September the raisins arrived at Conisbro’ from Hull for a Conisbro grocer They were soon afterwards missed.

On Sunday, 3rd September, prisoners were seen walking near the craggs, and the male prisoner was seen to have a box of raisins. The same day two witnesses who visited the prisoners’ house saw some raisins. The following Thursday a witness saw a box in a hedge near the colliery offices.

Later on the police were told about this box. Sergeant Brown watched it, and on Sunday afternoon Griffin was seen to go to this box. As he was returning he was stopped by Brown and arrested.

Subsequently Brown visited the house where prisoners lived. He found two raisins on the stairs, but Brown said there had not been any raisins in the house.

The woman was discharged. Griffin was sent to prison for a month.