South Yorkshire Times, January 3rd 1902
Alleged Unlawful Wounding at Denaby.
James Lang, a miner, of Denaby, was charged in custody with unlawfully wounding his wife, Jane Lang, at Denaby on Christmas Day.
Jane Lang, the prorsecutrix said she was the wife of the prisoner, and lived at 45, Annerley street, Denaby. On Wednesday night, the 25th Dec., about 6-30, her husband came downstairs, and he asked her if there was any beer in the house. She replied. “No, I did not think you were coming down so soon.” He then put his hand on the table, and knocked all the pots off, breaking them all. Prisoner picked a knife from off the table, and made two lunges at her, but he did not catch her, as she went into the kitchen. It was the carving knife—the one produced. Prisoner picked up some of the spice cake and bread, and threw it at her. He used some bad language. The prisoner made for her, and caught her just as she get, to the door, and the knife which the prisoner had in his hand caught her on the left side of the head and she screamed. He only struck her once with the knife. She did not see him any more that night. She stopped against the wall until one of her daughters came and took her to another daughter’s house. She had been in bed all day on Thursday and Friday. She sent for Dr. Twigg, of Denaby, and was still under his care.
Cross examined by the prisoner, prosecutrix said there was plenty to eat in the house.
John Lang said he was a pony driver, and was the son of the prisoner, and lived with his parents at 45 Annerley St, Denaby. He was in the house between 6.30 and 7 o’clock on Christmas night.
Prisoner asked his mother if she had any beer in. She said she had not. He did not give her much chance to say more. Prisoner knocked all the pots off the table. He struck witness’s mother in the face with his fist. She told him she would see if she could not have that conduct stopped. She made towards the back kitchen, and prisoner followed her with the carving knife in one hand and a piece of ham in the other. Witness shouted, out to his mother “Look out, mother, he’s coming.” The next thing he heard was his mother screaming. Witness went to her, and met his father coming back with the carving knife. He could not swear whether there was any blood on the knife. Witness asked the prisoner what he had done, had he stabbed his mother? He replied “Yes,” and then said he would do the same to him’, and ran witness out of the house through the front room. His mother was taken to his sister’s.
P.c. Lancaster and Dr. Twigg were sent far. His mother fainted in the house.
Frectk. Graham Twigg said he was a surgeon at Denaby, and at about 7-45 on the 25th Dec. he was called to attend to the prosecutrix.’ She was at O’Brien’s, at 15, Tickbill street, Denaby. She was bleeding from a wound on the scalp. She had lost a lot of blood, her hair being saturated. The wound was about 1 ½ inches above and behind the left ear and about one inch. long, clean cut, leaning down, and baring the hone. The skin on each side was cut, and not contused or bruised in anyway. He stitched the wound up, dressed it, and ordered her to bed. He was still, attending her. A sharp-pointed weapon would cause the wound The knife (produced) would be likely to cause the wound. She was in no particular danger of her life through the wound.
Cross-examined by the prisoner witness said a bottle would not be likely to cause the wound.
Thomfasi Lancaster said he was a police constable stationed at Denaby, and on 25 December from information received, he went to Tickhill Street, new Conisbrough, at about 7:30 PM. He saw the prosecutrix their.
She made a complaint to him. He afterwards apprehended the prisoner at his residence the same night at 8:40 p.m. He charged him with wounding his wife that night. He replied “No, nothing of the kind, but I will do some day.” Witness search the house and found the knife (produced) in the bed with the prisoner. He then took him to the police station, and locked him up.
Prisoner said he had nothing to say.
The Bench committed prisoner for trial at the next Sessions.