Ambulance Chiefs – Changes at Denaby Main – Night of Presentations.

February 1921

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 19 February 1921

Ambulance Chiefs.

Changes at Denaby Main.

A Night of Presentations.

Assistant Commissioner W. H. Chambers has retired from the command of the Denaby Main Ambulance Corps which he has held for over thirty and is succeeded by Superintendent H. C. Harrison.

The change was formerly and definitely effected on Saturday evening at the ambulance Club, Denaby Main, in the presence of a large gathering of ambulance workers, who presented to Assistant Commissioner Chambers and Superintendent Harrison each a handsome, enlarged photograph of the Corps in camp at Blackpool last year.

Superintendent H Hulley presided, and made the presentations, testifying to the greet regard which was entertained for the old and new chiefs, and the appreciation and admiration which was felt particularly for Mr. Chambers, and his great work in the district and the country for the ambulance movement.

In acknowledging, Mr. Chambers outlined in a bright and interesting way, the history of the Denaby Main Ambulance Corps, and of the movement in the district, and was humorously reminiscent with regard to his own personal connection with the movement. He won his find ambulance certificate 1878, and with much labour and difficulty was able to start the Denaby Ambulance Division in 1883.

Mr. Chambers spoke of early difficulties and disappointments, and  of the very discouraging result of the effort that was made to instruct men in the first principles of first-aid. Most of the earlier students had to he “ploughed,” and that did not at first stimulate the movement, but with great effort it was kept alive, and nursed at last into a thoroughly healthy flourishing condition.

But from 1883 to 1890 they could not get sufficient men to form a Denaby Division, and even when they were able to form one they were for a long time handicapped by lack of equipment, uniform. etc. They were quite unknown and unregarded in the district at that tune. Some of us went to Sheffield for a competition, and though we had been a division for three years they asked us who we were. They had never heard of a Denaby division. Yet we were formed before Sheffield, and at the time we were formed there was no ambulance work being done in any other part the district. From the work that was instituted here the movement has spread all over the place. (Applause).

Mr. Chamber added that as they knew he was intending shortly to reside in another district. He was going to live in a smaller house—though it was called a “Hall”— and would have to leave a good many things, including pictures behind. But he should take this picture with him and find an honoured place for it in his new home. He should treasure it as long as he lived in remembrance of the splendid, loyal ambulance workers with whom he had been associated for so many years.

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