Mexborough and Swinton Times March 20, 1896
Ambulance Work at Conisborough
a very interesting meeting took place in the Board Schools on Tuesday evening, when medallions and certificates were awarded to the successful candidates at the recent examination.
Of late the interest in this subject as they they hold in Mexborough, chiefly through the untiring zeal of doctors McCall and Gilchrist, who have not only given a course of lectures to men, but also a cost for females, and lectures are now being given to the ladies on nursing. In addition to this, the proceeds from a fancy dress ball to be held on Easter Monday, are to be devoted to purchasing an ambulance car Conisborough, and we believe that this was Dr McCall’s suggestion.
Mr F Fisher read the report follows:
The class was formed on Tuesday, November 19, 1895, when view.H.Chambers was elected president; Mr F Fisher honorary secretary and treasurer, and the committee chosen
The total number of members who joined was 41, but only 24 made the requisite number of attendances and presented themselves for examination.
The examination took place on January 18, Dr Martin of Sheffield being the examiner. It was pleasing to report that the whole of the candidates satisfied the examiner, and will be presented with medallions or certificates.
Mr WH Chambers, what promised to present the certificates and medals, but suddenly being called away on business, and his place was taken in this respect by Mrs McCall.
The awards were follows:
Medallions: George Lee, John Thomas Hyde, V Rose and George H Milnes.
Second-year: Thomas W Mosby, Fred Fisher and Henry W Campbell
First Year: John Maxfield, F Wallace, E.W.Ward, John Neil, Joseph Bell, J Westby, T Twibey, G Gladwin, George Butcher, A Lawton, Walter Maxfield, John A Bagley, H L Smethurst, L Brown, James Hollingworth, George Treece and William Johnson.
A vote of thanks was passed to the secretary on the proposition of Dr McCall. Mr Smethurst on behalf of the society presented Dr McCall with a black ebony walking stick as a slight expression of thanks for the deep interest he had taken in the members. He certainly did not expect anything of the kind. The fact that each member had passed the examination was a great encouragement to him. It had been a great pleasure to him throughout. Next year York to offer a special medal for competition amongst the members.
The stick, which is silver mounted, bears the following inscription: “Presented to Dr McCall by the Conisborough Ambulance Class 1895-6.”
A vote of thanks to Mr McCall for her kindness in presenting certificates and medals terminated the proceeding.