Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Monday 30 April 1888
Ambulance Work at Denaby Main.
The examination of the St. John Ambulance Class held at Denaby Main by Dr, Sykes and his assistants, took place on Saturday afternoon in the new schoolroom, the number presenting themselves for examination being 24.
Dr. Martin, hon. secretary to the Sheffield centre, was the examiner. After questioning the members individually, they were arranged in groups and examined in bandaging and stretcher practice.
The examination over, Dr. Martin addressed the members of the class and said that he should be pleased to recommend the whole of the class to receive their certificates. The bandaging dona by the members was excellent, and he congratulated Dr. Sykes upon the manner in which they had acquitted themselves, not only in bandaging, but in the usually more difficult questions relating to poisoning, drowning, and hanging. The stretcher practice might be improved, but even that, as first year students, they bad done very well. He hoped they would all continue the course, and if possible increase the number of members.
On the proposition of Dr. Sykes, seconded by Mr. R. Gascoyne, a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Dr. Martin for his attendance examiner.
The latter suitably responded, thus bringing the examination to a close.