Annual Dinner – Conjuring and Elocution by Professor Bilboa

15 March 1901

South Yorkshire Times, March 15.

Conisborough Cricket Club.

Annual Dinner

There was a large attendance at the annual dinner of the members and supporters of the Conisborough Cricket and Lawn Tennis Club, which was held at the Red Lion Hotel, Conisborough, on Saturday evening.

In a few weeks ago at the annual general meeting. The proposal to hold the dinner on a Saturday night was not allowed to pass without the putting of a proposal that he be held on a Thursday. It was contended that Thursday was a more convenient day for tradesmen to attend, but the advocates of a Saturday dinner were in a majority, and their proposal was carried. The change of night, did not interfere with the attendance so far as members was concern, though doubtless several members and friends were unable to be present due to the pressure of business. Over 80 persons sat down to an excellent repast served in an excellent style under the management of Mr and Mrs T Nesbitt, the host and hostess.

Mr W.W.Norwood, the treasurer of the club, presided, and Mr T Mosby was in the vice-chair. The reverent W.A.Strawbridge, who is the captain of the first team, was unable to be present. In a letter from him, which was read by Mr Marshall, the , vicar pointed out that Saturday was a very inconvenient night for clergyman, and “also,” added Mr Strawbridge, “being the season of Lent I feel it would be out of place for me to attend such a festive gathering as this would be, but I do not suppose this consideration will weigh much with the members generally.”

Amongst the company present were: Mr Joseph Appleyard, Mr W Appleyard, Mr C Holmes (chairman of the Parish Council), Mr T.R. Booth, Mr R.J.Clarkson, Mr George Butcher, Mr John Gillott, Mr W Downing, Mr W Moore, Mr J Day, Mr A Walker, Mrs C Norbron, Mr W. Jones, Mr D. Robinson, Mr John Hawksworth, Mr A. Bilbrough, Mr G Clarkson, Mr D. Illingworth, Mr F. Nicholson, Mr G. Spencer, Mr W Ingle, Mr G Briggs, Mr T Oxley, Mr H Hawley, Mr Horace Marshall, the hon secretary, and others.

In the course of the evening, the Chairman said the club had a grand ground, and anybody wanting to play will be sure of a practice any day in the week. The club hadsomething like 108 members;before the end of the season they would have 180. (Hear, hear). They had £45 in hand, and taking everything into consideration there was every encouragement for young members to join. There was nothing like cricket to make a man of anybody, because it was a game in which they all had to be on a level except the captain, to whom they ought to show deference and whose orders should be obeyed.

A most delightful entertainment of conjuring and elocution was given by Prof Bilboa, of Lincoln, who services the committee were able to obtain through the kindness of Mr T Nesbitt, and Mr W.W Norwood. This change from the ordinary run of the after-dinner program was greatly appreciated as Prof Bilboa was greatly applauded for his extraordinary clever feats of legerdemain. Working as he was in the midst of a crowd gathering it was difficult to believe that he could do his tricks without someone protecting the methods adopted by, but it may be be safely said that his passes were so clean that not one person learned the secret of his art. His performance will be long remembered by all those who witnessed it.

A number of toasts were honoured, including the usual loyal acknowledgements. Mr T Mosby proposed the “Conisborough Cricket and Lawn Tennis Club,” and Mr A Walker, the vice captain of the first team, responded. “The Town and Trade,” were toasted at the call of Mr W. Jones. Mr C Holmes (the chairman of the Parish Council) in responding expressed the old site before very long the great struggle to obtain urban powers would have satisfactorily ended in favour of Conisborough.

Mr J Gillott proposed “the host and hostess,” to which Mr Nesbitt responded. A number of songs were contributed by Mr George Butcher, Mr GF Clarkson, Mr E Keys and others. Mr G. Washington was the accompanist.

3 thoughts on “Annual Dinner – Conjuring and Elocution by Professor Bilboa

  1. Kevin Merrison

    Proff Bilboa was our Great-grandfather. If any other information/detail becomes available please let us know. Many thanks to the transcribers of these records, the article has bought some smiles in the family.


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