Grand Annual Social – With Musical Menu

November 1901

Mexborough and Swinton Times, November 15

Grand Social Evening at Denaby Main.

On Saturday evening The clerk’s and officials of the Denaby and Cadeby Main Collieries had their annual social, when about 70 gentlemen were present.

The chair was occupied by Mr Williamson, chief engineer of the collieries; after the party had partaken of a substantial meat tea, provided by Mr and Mrs Gregory, the tables were cleared and a delightful evening was spent in music and song.

The chairman, in commencing, thank them for electing him to the chair, and ought they would have an enjoyable evening. He then proposed the usual loyal toast, “The King and Royal Family,” and in doing so, made reference to the fact that that this was their King’s birthday, and he wished him many “happy returns.” This toast was enthusiastically drunk, the company very heartily singing the national anthem.

Interspersed between the arious songs were the following toasts:

Mr F. Harrop proposed, “the visitors,” and doing so, said he was delighted to see amongst them that evening two of their old comrades, who had served many years at Denaby Main, but who had sought pastures new, he referred to Messes Lawson and Woodley, who, he was pleased to learn were doing exceedingly well in their new positions.

Mr Howes, seconded, and said he quite endorsed all the proposed had said. He was very pleased to meet all faces, and he thought Mr Lawson had a good many friends at Denaby, or he would not have come from the “Wilds of Durham” to be present that evening. He trusted that the social gatherings would not be allowed to fall through.

Mr Woodley and Mr Lawson responded, and both said how pleased they were to come down to renew old acquaintances. Both gentleman said they had pleasant recollections of pleasant years spent at Denaby Main, and they were delighted at the hearty welcome they had received by all that evening. Mr Lawson touched a pathetic note in referring to the fact that, since their last gathering two of their young friends, who were the life and soul of the gathering had passed away.

At the request of the chairman, rev. father Kavanagh was asked to say a few words in response . The reverent father arising, said that, though he was used to preaching, yet he was a very poor  at making a speech. He thought they would be pleased to hear that, because he saw, by the program that there were many more songs, etc to be given, and they would be far more welcome than listen to a speech from him. However, he would take this opportunity to say how pleased he was to be amongst them once more at their social gathering, and he thanked them very much for their kind invitation. He hoped that whilst he remained at Denaby Main, and he did not think there was any likelihood of him leaving, for some considerable time, he should always be allowed to join with them in this pleasant social event.

Mr TW Evison proposed “That our very best thanks be given to the school managers for their kindness in allowing the use of this school for the evening’s entertainment.”

This was seconded by Mr H.S. Witty, who in a rather humorous speech, commented on the various artistes who had performed that evening. He said he was very pleased to be present. Everything had passed off well and the singing had been very harmonious. He should like to have seen one or more of the school managers present, and it would suggest to the committee that next year the endeavour to get one of these gentleman’s down to take the chair.

Mr J Hill proposed, and Mr Monkhouse seconded, “That a hearty vote of thanks be given to Mr and Mrs Gregory for their excellent catering.”

This was unanimously carried.

The next toast was “The Committee.”

Mr Lawson said they could not bring this pleasant evening to a conclusion that giving their best thanks to Mr Burdon, and the rest of the members of the committee, for their hard work in providing for this entertainment. He proposed that the committee be given a hearty vote of thanks.

Mr Woodley in seconding, said that in getting up such a program, there was more work to be done now some of them thought; he knew for he have been in the swim! Mr Burdon was really the managing director of the entertainment, worked very hard and deserved their thanks; Mr Nixon the musical director, was also entitled to their best thanks. To these two gentlemen the success of the gathering was really due. He had pleasure in seconding the resolution which was carried with acclamation.

The vote was responded to by Mr Burdon, Mr Watkin and Mr Nixon, each gentleman thanking the company, for the vote of thanks. Each expressed a willingness to do the same work in getting up and entertainment of that kind next year.

Mr Burdon propose a hearty vote of thanks to Chairman for presiding, Mr Harry seconding, and it was carried with loud cheers.

The Chairman thanked them for the vote, and hoped they all had a pleasant evening; he could assure them he had.

The following is a copy of the lengthy program was given:

Pianoforte duet, “Il Coricolo” Messrs C and L Wright

Song, “He didn’t know geography.” Mr Hay went.

Song, “The Village Blacksmith,” Mr F Cousins.

Song, “the Windmill,” Mr T.K.Nicholas

Song, “Since Angelina Joined the Cooking Classes,” Mr Woodley.

Piano Solo, “Carnival de Venice,” Mr C.Wright.

Song “Tommy’s Tournament,” Mr Evison

Song, “His only Joke,” Mr W. Moore.

Gramophone selection, Mr Monkhouse

Song, “Mary of Argyll,” Mr E.Ellis

Recitation, “The Saint and Sinner,” Mr Emerson

Song, “Nursery Rhymes,” Mr Harrop

Pianoforte duet, “Qui Vive” Messrs C and L Wright.

Song, “The deathless army,” Mr S Johnson.

Duet, “Excelsior or,” Messes Ellis and Nicolas.

Song , “The Mighty Deep,” Mr B Johnson.

Song “The Bugler,” Mr F Cousins.

Song , “The Storm Fiend,” Vista J.H.Dunk.

Song , Off to Philadelphia,” Mr T.K.Nicholas

Song, “She´s One of the Handy sort,” Mr W. Moore.

Song, “Hundreds fathoms deep,” Mr B Johnson.

Song, “The Plumber,” Mr F Harrop

Mr Nixon, presided at the piano, and each of the above items were excellently given. Mr Ellis received great applause this capital rendering of “Mary of Argyle,” as did also Mr B Johnson in his two sons. Mr Woodley amuse the company as usual by the humorous manner in which he sang his funny songs. The piano playing on master C. Wright was loudly applauded – this young gentleman, showing great promise of becoming a really first class player, a regular Rubinstein.

The proceedings were brought to a close by. The whole of the company joining hands and singing very lustily that good old tune, “Auld Lang Syne.”