Mexborough and Swinton Times January 8, 1886
Annual Tea and Concert at the Wesleyan Chapel
The annual gathering of the members and friends of the Conisbrough Wesleyan Chapel place on Tuesday evening in the schoolroom.
A tea was held in the afternoon, of which about 300 persons partook.
At the after proceedings the programme was opened by the singing of the Christmas him by the audience, after which the reverent A Stokes offered prayer.
Mr J Dixon occupied the chair, and called upon the secretary, Mr William Wilson, to read the report of the the schools for the past year, which showed an increase of numbers and a better average attendance.
The scholars are as follows: Boys 140, girls 118, total 258, decrease 13
Average attendance boys 86.92, girls 75.39, ALS average attendance of five.
The teachers number 35, been a decrease of four.
The report alluded to the loss which the school had sustained by the removal Mr J Baker, one of its superintendents.
The band, gave the overture, “The Caliph of Baghdad,” which was well received, following which came a part song by the choir entitled, “A happy New Year to you all.”
Master Gillott of Sheffield, was announced to sing next, did not put in an appearance, and in his absence Mrs Bates kindly consented to give an extra song in the second part.
A violin solo, entitled “Massaniello,” was executed with credit for one so young, by master Bateson.
The Rev W Parsonson here made a few remarks on the importance of Sunday school work. The Sunday school, he said, was a nursery for the young. He likened the growth of young people to the growth of saplings; he depended upon their training whether they group properly, or grew warped and crooked. It was the object of the Sunday school to train children so that nothing walked crooked could be found in their character, and that they should bring forth fruit to the praise and glory of God.
The speaker alluded to the damning mines existed in South Africa, and comparison the schoolchild to a rough diamond which required bringing out of the mine and making fit for the diadem of the Redeemer.
Mr Parsonson also drop very strongly upon the fact that parents could help the teachers by enforcing regular and punctual attendance on the part of the children. They should also inculcate the principle of respect towards the teachers, and take care not to listen to tales out of school.
He should also like to address a word or 2 to the young people, and his advice would take the form of a story of his boyhood days at Doncaster, concerning a poor woman who went by the name of “Crazy” Mary, and who was often a but for the jests of thoughtless boys. Upon such occasions Mary’s reply was almost invariably the same, “Ye’re wearing ye’re golden slippers; take care to wear ‘em weel.” The young people now before them were wearing their golden; he prayed they might wear them well. (Applause)
Miss Bates then gave “The better land,” in an exceedingly sweet and pleasant manner, and was loudly applauded.
Several selection from Handel’s Messiah,” comprising “My rebuke,” “Behold and see,” “He was cut off,” and “Thou didst not leave,” were rendered by Mr Cox.
Another selection from Handel “Lift up your heads,” by the choir, concluded the first portion of the programme.
The second portion commence with an all which you are, “Collier d’Or,” by the band, followed by “Oh! Be joyful,” by the choir.
Miss Neil received an ovation for a pretty rendering of “The rest of the story,” and the same result attended Mr C Reasbeck’s exposition of “Rhodes air in G.”
The choir gave another handsome entitled, “Sing his praises,” and then the reverent A Stokes delivered a short address it was he congratulated the promoters of the concert on success which had attended their efforts.
Miss Bates, who sang in the place of Master Gillott was again very successful, and Mr Cox was also applauded for his interpretation of Handel’s, “He that dwelleth,” “Thou shalt break them.”
The choir concluded the program by the chorus “Halleluia.” The usual votes of thanks were accorded and a pleasant evening was brought to a close.