Another Case from Denaby Main.

March 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 04 March 1892

Another Case from Denaby Main.

Thomas Parr, aged 16, of Denaby, was summoned for having infringed special rule 95 by having in his possession a safety lamp for use beyond the place where safety lamps were examined, such lamp been so defective that he might have found it out with ordinary care.

Mr Hickmott prosecuted on behalf of the Denaby Main Colliery Company.

Lamp number 244 was given to the defendant in good condition. It was defendant’s duty to carry lamps about in a certain district in the pit, so that her man’s lamps did not burn properly he could supply him with another.

On the date in question a man named Hardman asked him for another lamp, and defendant gave him the lamp number 244. On examination Hardman saw there was no rivet in.

Defendant ran away, but Hardman caught him and accused him of giving him an insecure locked lamp. Defendant then began to cry. The following day defendant told Leeman they were fools for reporting him, and said if they had kept the lamp until the end of the shift he could have taken it back to the cabin and put a rivet in himself.

It was stated that the defendant’s parents lived at Liverpool, and that he ran away from home about seven years ago. He was now in lodgings at Denaby.

Defendant was fined 10s, including costs.