Penistone, Stocksbridge and Hoyland Express – Saturday 12 August 1911
Another Conisborough Assault
William H Lupton, miner, of Conisborough, was charged with assaulting William Gorman, of Conisborough on the 30th July.
Complainant said that at 8 o’clock on Saturday morning defendant came into his house, and made reference to a quarrel that had taken place between them, stating that he (defendant) had not done with him yet, and that he would hear further. Complainant returned into the house, and about 9:20 a.m. came out again, and found defendant standing at his (complainant’s door. He asked him what he wanted, and he said he wanted to fight.
Complainant said he didn’t want to fight, and yet within an inch of his door he was struck by defendant, who seized him and pulled him out of the house, said he would have to fight outside. He struck him two blows on the side of the head, then struggled into the house again. He pushed complainant on the sofa, and then struck two more blows.
The Chairman: Were you sober? – Yes, we were both sober.
Defendant (to complainant): Was you not drunk on Saturday night until early on Sunday morning, and you turned your wife and family out, and was smashing all the furniture up?
I didn’t turn them out.
Benjamin Ward gave evidence. He was having his breakfast on the day in question, and heard a bit of commotion. He went outside, and her defendant challenge to fight.
Walter Joyner said he saw defendant trying to drag Gorman out of the door at all, but he did see what happened in the house.
Defendant went into the witness box. He said he was accused of certain conduct by the complainant. Complainant got hold of him by the mantelpiece and he, not knowing his intentions, shoved him off. He got up and said, “What do you mean? I am old enough to be your father.” “Well, then,” he replied, “you ought to have more sense.”
He (defendant) asked him to apologise, but he would not.
Defendant was fined 30 shillings or 14 days.