South Yorkshire Times August 11, 1956
Appeal from USA for Information
Relatives in Denaby?
Mrs Ivy Singleton Ellis, of 390, North 10th East, Bountiful, Utah, USA, has enlisted the aid of the “South Yorkshire Times” in searching for relatives of her grandmother, Mrs Phoebe Webster, who were living at Denaby Main many years ago. Surviving relatives and people who may know of the whereabouts of these relatives are asked to contact this office.
Mrs Ellis, daughter of Mr John Webster Singleton, tells the “South Yorkshire Times” that her grandmother exchanged many letters with relatives asking for information that might help her in writing a family history, “she gathered considerable information, but much is needed to make a really nice history, Mrs Ellis adds.
One nephew with whom Mrs Webster corresponded with was Mr Alvin Webster, of “101, Denaby Main, Conisbrough, near Rotherham, Yorkshire, England” and another was Mr Rowland Webster, 107, Doncaster Road, Denaby Main. There were four brothers and one sister in the family: Israel (a Methodist preacher), Alvin, Roland, Oliver and Adaline. The men worked in the coal mines, the father being killed there, leaving Adaline, the youngest of his family, only seven years of age.
Israel, his wife and children, and his sister Adelina, went to Australia in 1887, but so far as the family in the United States no, the others remained in Denaby.
Mrs Ellis concludes: “I realise that it has been a long time since we exchanged any letters and my grandmother is no longer with us, but we do desire to make a connection and be able to correspond with our people we may never see. The letters I have in my possession, that will written to my grandmother, have installed within me a great love for England, our mother country, and for her people who were my ancestors. I feel that I have a wonderful heritage.”