Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Monday 27 July 1931
Appeal to Denaby Miners.
With a view to strengthening the membership of the Y.M.A. branch Denaby, where it was said that the percentage was not satisfactory, a meeting jointlv called by the Denaby and Cadebv branches was held in the Welfare Hall yesterday.
There was a large attendance, and the chief speaker was Mr. Tom Williams, M.P., who appealed to the men at for more unison in order to make the branch more solid. The need for unity was now greater than ever, and the things that were being achieved for the union men were also being obtained by the nonunion men, which was a theft.
Mr. B. Gethin presided, and said was essential that they should be fully organised to meet the coming storms. Mr. Gethin added that consideration would be given to suggestion by one of the members that they should communicate with the headquarters at Barnsley with view to a man being sent over to organise the two branches.