Apprentice Course at Conisbrough

March 1960

South Yorkshire Times, March 19th, 1960

Apprentice Course at Conisbrough

It is planned to establish a course for intending apprentices – one of the first of its kind in the area – at Conisbrough Northcliffe Boys’ Secondary School at Easter.

In a circular to parents headmaster, Mr. A. G. G. Young states: “In addition to the fifth year G.C.E. course which is operating at the school, we are planning a second course for those boys who wish to enter recognised apprenticeship with such organisations as the Y.E.B., N.C.B., or with the Forces.”

Conisbrough Secondary School Governors, who approved the course on Monday, were told by Mr. Young “The G.C.E. course only serves as a direct incentive to about a seventh of the boys, leaving us with a large number of promising lads who could be spurred on to greater endeavors if something as purposeful was put before them.”

Mr. Young said that about 24 boys would be taking the course which was designed to afford them a really good chance of passing entrance examinations with such recognised organisations with the Y.E.B., N.C.B., or with the Forces.

Boys will not start the course until they reach the fourth form, and would not leave school until the Easter, so as to enable them to take the course for a full year.

Mr. Young stressed that the course was designed to give pupils a good background for apprenticeships.   Mathematics, science and handicrafts would be concentrated upon.