Denaby Utd – Apr 19 – Denaby 1 Notts Co Res 3 – Denaby Still in the Dumps.

April 1924

Mexborough & Swinton Times April 19th

Another Home Defeat 

Denaby Still in the Dumps.

Denaby United 1, Notts. County Res. 3

Denaby United lost their fifth successive match on Saturday, when Notts. County reserve were the visitors. It was also their third successive defeat at home. The County came with a rather make-shift side, Pape going from centre-forward to left-back, and Greatorex leading the forward line. Denaby went back to their old forward line, and the only notable absentee was Coope, whose place was taken by Bisbey.

The game opened at a good pace, but off-side infringements were too frequent. The visitors were the more dangerous side, and after a few minutes Bromage had to save smartly. Then Denaby got right away, and Flanaghan gained a clear opening, but Wainwright saved brilliantly. A melee in front of the County goal ended in Picknett hooking the ball just wide of the mark. Smith came very near at the other end, but a smart clearance stopped his progress. Wainwright had to run out to kick away with Hamilton and Picknett racing for the ball. Eighteen minutes had gone when the County made a great attempt to get through.

They bombarded the Denaby goal, and several shots were charged down or hooked out of the goal, before FENWICK, standing back, made a full blooded drive which beat Bromage. A minute later Godfrey failed to take a fine chance of equalising, and Hamilton also missed badly. Bromage saved finely a great drive by McPherson, who was playing a splendid game for the County at right-half. The County defence was none too sure, although Smith kicked well, and was prompt in his tackling. But Pape was not too happy in his unaccustomed position. The only thing that prevented Denaby scoring more than once was, first, their own inability to take chances, and second, Wainwright’s coolness and fine judgment in goal.

Within a minute of the restart after the interval. Greatorex missed the best chance yet afforded one of the forwards of either side. Platt, whose centre it ws that made the opening, was about the best winger on the field. Denaby took up the attack, and from the corner Wainwright got the ball away rather luckily after a corner kick, when the Denaby men were swarming round the County goal. Denaby continued, however, to miss good chances in front of goal.

The County, on the other hand, did not let many opportunities go by, and SMITH added a second goal during a struggle in the Denaby goal, his swift cross shot having Bromage well beaten. A little later Bromage failed to gather a ball from GREATOREX, who got it again and walked it into the net.

Denaby made further attempts to stem the tide, but they could do nothing right. Again and again they appeared to be going right through, but only to make some bad mistake and let chances go by. PICKNETT did at last score with the last kick of the match.

It was not a good game, for the football was of a rather scrambling type. But the County certainly had the better understanding. Denaby kept the ball much too close, and as often as not beat themselves in their attempts at pattern weaving. Their efforts were disjointed. Forwards and halves used a great amount of energy, but there was little combination. Though they had a lot of bad luck, the main fault was their own, for they did not swing the ball about enough, and they did not go straight for goal. Their shooting was poor. The defence was to blame for at least one of the County’s goals. Bromage should have got the ball away when Greatorex scored. On the run of the play Denaby should not have been beaten, and should certainly not have lost by three goals. But on the other hand, the County have to be credited with seizing their chances, and playing the more constructive and combined football.


Denaby United: Bromage; Taylor and Bisbey; Chambers, Illingworth and Rhodes; Hamilton, Picknett, Godfrey, Shaw and Flanaghan.

Notts. County Reserve: Wainwright; Smith and Pape; McPherson, Fenwick and Harris; Platts, Smith, Greatorex, Allen and Brodie.