Sheffield Independent – Wednesday 16 February 1938
Army Boxing
Denaby Company Hold Proud Position
The Denaby “B” Company is the pride the 5th Battalion K.0.Y.L.1. boxing circles. They sent seven fighters to the Battalion Competition at Sheffleid a few months ago. and five of them went through to the divisional finals at Halifax. There two them had to meet and another one was beaten, leaving three to go forward to the Territorial Association finals at the Albert Hall in March.
They are Sergt Botwood. (middleweight). Private Wright (light heavy), and Corporal Swift (heavy).
Sergt. Botwood is responsible for their instruction, and so confident are they at Denaby that their representatives will triumph that the company annual prize distribution has been put back for 1 week In order that opportunity may be taken of congratulating the boxers upon their sucess! There are something like 60 companies in the various regiments of the division; hence Denaby’s pride in supplying three of the eleven representatives.
The 5th Battalion is sending five of those eleven, for two brothers. Privates C. and T. Shay, have gone forward from the Pontefract Company. The Drill Hall presents an animated scene these days, for in addition to the enthusiastic training of the boxing representative, who may have take part in four contests within three days in London, there are many young recruits taking advantage of the gymnasium facilities.
The Denaby Company has gained laurels in many other activities the battalion, and for the past few years has brought back four out of six trophies from the annual camp for boxing, football, best men’s platoon and recruits’ platoon. One of the few spheres In which the company has never shone in is athletic events.
Sergt Hazell. who came from Gibraltar, is the permanent stall Instructor, and has two ambitions, first to advance the ‘ B” Company from second first place in the battalion for numerical strength and secondly to capture all six cups at the next camp. There is room for about 20 more young men eligible from the age 18, and they can be assured of plenty of opportunity of following any sports bent they may possess.