Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 13 May 1892
Assault at Conisborough
Edward Kitching, miner, Conisborough, was charged with having assaulted John Watkinson, on the 20th ult.
Mr. Hall appeared for the complainant, who he said had retired from business and lived at Fern Villa, his place of abode being not far from that of the defendant. On the night of the day in question, it appeared the defendant’s fowls had got upon his garden and did considerable damage. He told the defendant he should try to keep than out or he would shoot them. The defendant then want towards the complainant, struck him violently on the head with the handle of a knife and knocked him against a wall. He told defendant he would have to pay for that.
The complainant bled very much and suffered from the assault.
The complainant then gave evidence. He said when he told the defendant about the fowls, the man said “I will come for thee,” and immediately went to him and assaulted him. A young man named Gilyard, called out for assistance and a man named Sharpe came up. He told the defendant he should make him pay for It, and he replied “I will kill you, you b—.”
Defendant examined the as to whether he had not given provocation for the assault, and complainant denied that he had. He acknowledged having said he should shoot the fowls.
Defendant: You came to me with a two grained fork.
Complainant; I said I would run it through you. But that was after you had assaulted me.
George Gilyard, labourer, and Tom Sharpe, blacksmith, having been called by the complainant, the defendant was ordered to pay the costs and was bound over in the sum of £5 to keep the peace for six months.