1877 Oct 6, Sheffield Telegraph
Assault by a Collier.
William Stokes, Collier, Denaby, was charged with assaulting Isaac Gregory, another Collier of the same place.
Mr F Parker Rhodes defended.
On Sunday evening, 23 September, the complainant was returning from Conisbrough, when the defendant called him a “- black sheep,” and struck him in the face.
A struggle then took place, during which the complainant was struck on the eye with some sharp instrument.
The prisoner said the complainant first attacked him, got him into a ditch, tried to strangle him, and would havedone so but for the timely interference of his (prisoners), wife, who tore his scarf in two, and thus freed him. The complainant also endeavoured to “gouge out his eye,” and received the injury on his eye by being pitched on his head, prisoner catching hold of his foot when he endeavoured to kick him.
The magistrates said they did not believe that a knife had been used, and fined the prisoner, 20s, (£1) including costs