Assault Cases Adjourned

April 1903

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 03 April 1903

Assault Cases Adjourned

On Monday, at the Doncaster Borough Police Court, Mr Frank Allen stated that he had been instructed to apply for an adjournment until Friday of the hearing of the charges against Philip Humphries, chairman of the Cadeby branch of the Yorkshire Miners Association, a member of the Denaby and Cadeby Strike committee, charged with assaulting Charles Littler, David Smith, Henry Kelsall and Thomas Burns, workmen at the Cadeby Pit and also with inflicting grievous bodily harm on Thomas Burns, also in the case of James Casey, collier on site, who was also charged with inflicting grievous bodily harm on Thomas.

Mr G.W. Andrews also asked for the case of malicious damage against Humphries to be held over to the same day.

The bench granted the applications.