Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Thursday 15 July 1909
Assaulting a Constable.
At Doncaster yesterday, George Hartlow, filler, was charged with being drunk and disorderly, damaging Police-constable Garnett’s uniform, and assaulting the police, at Conisborough, yesterday morning.
Police-constable Garnett stated that half an hour after midnight he heard prisoner at Clifton Hill using very bad language to a cyclist, and spoke to him. Prisoner struck him in the eye two or three times, and the eye was slightly discoloured.
Witness took hold of him when they fell to the ground together. In the struggle prisoner tore witness’s tunic. Witness blew his whistle, which prisoner snatched out of his hand, bending the hook. Prisoner also kicked him several times on the legs. Men from the brickyard came to witness’s assistance, and he got the handcuffs on prisoner and took him to the police station.
Prisoner was fined 5s. and costs for being drunk and disorderly, 1s. with 7s. 6d. damage for injury the uniform, and for the assault was committed to prison for a month.
The Chairman remarked that the magistrates were determined to put down these assaults upon the police.