Mexborough and Swinton Times September 19, 1908
Assaults at Denaby
Patrick Killoran, miner, Denaby, admitted assaulting Edward Scrag at Denaby on September 5.
Complainant said he was a complete stranger to defendant, who never spoke to before committed the assault. Witness appeared in court with a much bandy said and a black eye. He stated that as the result of the assault his jaw was seriously injured.
One months imprisonment.
Henry Bushby, a miner, Denaby, was summoned for assaulting Maurice Griffiths at Denaby on September 6
Defendant pleaded not guilty
Complainant said defendant alleged he had said something about his brother-in-law, and then got hold of witness and put him down on the floor. Witness fell onto the Fender, injuring his left arm.
Mrs Griffiths corroborated.
Defendant alleged that complainant struck Mrs Bushby and that in consequence of that witness got him down on the floor.
Mrs Bushby, wife of defendant, said she went to complainant’s house with her husband. Complainant used bad language towards, they struck her on the arm. Defendant then pulled complainant away, and complainant struck at him.
Defendant was fined £1 including costs.