Balby 35  Conisbro’ 59

June 1899

Sheffield Independent – Monday 19 June 1899

Balby 35  Conisbro’ 59

When Balby met the Conisbro’ eleven at Conisbro’ early in the season they scored a total of 108 for eight wickets, and won hands down, and seeing that Conisbro had not won a League match up to Saturday, it was generally anticipated this side of the border that they were in for another take-down in the return with the Balbyites on Saturday.

But they managed to turn the tables very nicely, for ‘the Balbyites, to say the least of it, have performed rather erratically thus far, winning brilliantly in one engagement, and meeting ignominious defeat in the next, all of which we are utterly unable to account for.

On Saturday they never really managed to feel at home in any department, that of batting being very weak.

Cort and Hardy were very much on the wicket bowling throughout and getting respectively six wickets for 22, and four for 5.

On the Balby side, T. Tait took three for 5, and Langton two for 5, but the batting was really too insignificant to be mentioned.

J. Bateson Norwood, and Farrar, were practically responsible for Conisbro’s total, the first, making 14 the next 13, and the last 12.

Fifty-nine was not a big figure to knock off, but owing, as already intimated, to the excellent bowling of Cort and Hardy, Balby could only reach 35. This is Conisbro’s first League victory.