Mexborough and Swinton Times April 18.
Church of England Temperance Society.
On Tuesday evening last, under the auspices of the above society, a number of Band of Hope children from one of the Sheffield branches of the society, gave a service of song entitled “Bart´s Joy” it is a temperance theme, based upon a story of that name. (Author not ascertained)
Bart is introduced as an orange vendor in the metropolis, who turns out to be the son of a surgeon, whom drink has converted into a thoroughly demoralised wreck.
By the instrumentality of Bart, the father is reclaimed from his fallen condition to the inexpressible joy of Bart and the family.
The service is one which cannot fail to attract wherever it may be performed. The musical portion of the service is extremely easy, and may easily be attained by any Band of Hope.
At the conclusion of the service the reverent, J.G.Wood, who presided, congratulated the performers on the treat they had given the audience. Mr S Mawson, who conducted the service, return thanks for the kind reception they received, I trusted that it would not be long before they should have the pleasure of receiving a visit from the Conisborough Band of Hope to give a similar treat at Sheffield.