Baptisms 1559 to 1579

Parish of Conisbrough
Baptisms 1559 – 1575
20th May1560Elizabeth d. John AMRYE
16th Feb1560William s. Thomas AMRYE
18th Oct1562Richard s. Thomas AMRYE
6th Jan1562Mary d. John AMRYE
1st Nov1565Joan d. John AMRIE
25th Apr1567Leonard s. John AMRYE
14th Nov1568George s. William AMRIE
29th May1569Elizabeth d. John AMRIE
23rd Mar1571Michael s. John AMRYE
5th Apr1573Agnes d. William AMRIE
13th Sept1573Thomas s. Richard AMRYE
23rd Jan1574Agnes d. John AMRIE
4th Sept1575Richard s. Richard AMRIE
21st Sept1575Alice d. Robert BARBER
8th Feb1561Joan d. Richard BAWTRYE
15th Oct1564Richard s. Richard BAWTRYE
16th Nov1567Thomas s. Richard BAWTRY
14th Apr1571William s. Richard BAWTRIE
15th Jul1565William s. Robert BENTLEY
1st Nov1567Agnes d. Ralph BIRKES
14th May1570Ralph s. Ralph BIRKES
23rd Aug1572Ralph s. Ralph BIRKES
26th Oct1572Joan d. Ralph BIRKES
29th May1561John s. John BLOMER
6th Sept1562Richard s. John BLOMER
7th May1564Leonard s John BLOMAR
4th Mar1564Agnes d. John BLOMER
20th Jan1565George s. John BLOMER
4th Jul1568Joan d. John BLOMER
8th Jul1571Elizabeth d. John BLOMER
15th Nov1573Martin s. John BLOMER
26th Jun1575Margaret d. John BLOMER
14th Nov1574Philip s. Thomas BOSSEVILE
19th Sept1563Catharine d. Charles BRAMALL
27th Sept1562Elizabeth d. Edmund BROHEAD
21st Oct1568Richard s. Robert BRODHEAD
23rd Oct1569Robert s. Charles BROMAM
8th Oct1570Richard s. Robert BRODHEAD
24th Aug1571Ann d. John BRODBENT
20th Sept1573Robert s. Robert BRODHEAD
20th Sept1573Katherine d. Robert BRODHEAD
9th Nov1561Margaret d. John BUSHELL
3rd Mar1565Richard s. Thomas BUSHELL
29th Aug1563Nicholas s. Edward CAMPSALL
19th May1566Henry s. Edward CAMPSALL
18th Sept1569William s. Edward CAMPSALL
30th Nov1572Alice d. Edward CAMPSALL
17th Jul1575Alice d. Edward CAMPSALL
27th May1560Robert s. John COCKSONNE
25th Oct1562Michael s. John COCKSON
24th Aug1561John s. John COLTMAN
10th Jun1565Agnes d. John COLTMAN
13th Apr1563Grace d. William COOKE
9th Sept1571George COOKE
17th Oct1563Alice d. Henry CRAUSHAY
15th Dec1566Joan d. John CRAUSHAY
20th Feb1568Margaret d. George CRAWSHAW
20th Jan1571Robert s George CRAWSHAW
10th Aug1572Thomas s. Agnes CRAWSHAW
28th Aug1575Thomas s. George CRAWSHAWE
19th Sept1563Joan d. William CROSBIE
12th May1566William s. William CROSBIE
7th Mar1562Frances d. William DAWSON
5th Nov1564Alice d. William DAWSON
21st Sept1567Gregory s. William DAWSON
25th Mar1570Joan d. William DAWSON
13th Jan1559Richard & Alice s. & d. Richard DRABBLE
22nd May1561Francis s. Richard DRABBLE
29th Aug1563John s. Richard DRABLE
21st Jul1566Margaret s. Richard DRABBLE
10th Jul1569Alice d. Richard DRABBLE
25th Mar1572Thomas s. Thomas DRACKE
7th Jul1573Robert s. Richard DRABLE
4th Jul1574Margaret d. William ELAM
5th Sept1574George s. George ELLIS
12th Mar1559John s. John FORREST
24th Aug1564Joan d. John FOSTER
17th Mar1565Thomas s. William FOSTER
21st Dec1566Agnes d. George GENN
14th Feb1568Ellin d. George GENN
29th Jun1570George s. George GENN
21st Sept1572Robert s. George GENN
17th Jul1575Elizabeth d. George GENN
25th Jun1564Isabel d. Ralph GIBSON
18th Jul1561Richard s. Thomas GREENE
6th Aug1564Christopher s. Thomas GREENE
12th Nov1570John s. Robert HANCOCKE
7th Mar1559Elizabeth d. George HARRISON
6th Jan1560Richard s. Thomas HARRISON
6th Jan1560Elizabeth d. Thomas HARRISON
21st Mar1560Alice d. Thomas HARRISON
17th May1562Margaret d. Thomas HARRISON
1st Nov1562Robert S. George HARRISON
1st Apr1565Anne d. George HARRISON
14th Mar1567Isabel d. George HARRISON
14th May1572Jenet d. George HARRISON
12th May1566Henry s. Thurstaine HAUCKSWORTH
29th Oct1570Catharine d. Thurstane HAUCKSWORTH
5th Mar1559Richard s. James HICKES
21st May1564Thomas s. James HICKES
18th Feb1571Robert s. Roger HUDSON
21st Dec1574Margaret d. Roger HUDSON
12th Nov1559Thomas s. Nicholas HUNTER
26th Apr1562John s. Nicholas HUNTER
21st Sept1563Matthew s. John HYLTON
14th Nov1568Joan d. William HYND
3rd Jun1571Joan d. William HYND
25th Dec1572Agnes D. William HYND
28th Oct1575Thomasin d. William HYND of Clifton
18th Feb1571Elizabeth d. Richard JACKSON
9th Mar1561John s. Richard JESSOPP
9th Feb1566Margaret d. John LAWSON
6th Aug1570Jane d. Robert LEPTON
20th Jul1561Thomas s. Thomas LEY
24th Jul1569George s. William LOY
20th Jan1571Elizabeth d. William LOYE
19th Dec1574Janet d. William LOYE
12th May1560Elizabeth d. William MAPPLES
4th Mar1564Agnes d. William MAPPLES
27th Apr1567Frances d. William MAPPLES
1st Apr1571Thomas s. George MAPPLES
26th Aug1571Richard s. William MAPPLES
11th Jan1572Joan d. George MAPPLES
13th Mar1573Richard s. George MAPPLES
26th Feb1575George s. George MAPPLES
16th Feb1560William s Thomas MARSHALL
7th Jun1566Margaret d. Thomas MARSHALL
9th Mar1561John s. James MAWER
24th Feb1564Margaret d. Henry MAXFEILD
9th Mar1566Richard s. Henry MAXWELL
31st Jul1569Robert s. Henry MAXFEILD
27th Apr1571Ann d. Henry MAXFEILD
19th Mar1572Alice d. Henry MAXWELL
28th Sept1572Margaret d. Robert MOCKE
14th Mar1567Joan d. John MOREHOUSE
17th Sept1560Margaret d. George NICHOLSON
10th Nov1560Richard s. Christopher NICHOLSON
8th May1561John s. William NICOLLSON
20th Sept1562Isabel d. William NICOLSON
2nd Feb1562Thomas s. Thomas NICOLSON
16th Jan1563Bridget d. George NICOLSON
28th Aug1564Elizabeth d. Thomas NICOLSON
14th Oct1565John s. Thomas NICOLSON
1st Nov1565Agnes d. Thomas NICOLSON
6th Oct1566Thomas s. Thomas NICHOLSON
26th Jan1566William s. George NICOLSON
12th Oct1567Elizabeth d. William NICOLSON
11th Jan1567Henry s. George NICOLSON
25th Mar1567Alice d. Thomas NICOLSON
17th Sept1570Elizabeth d. Thomas NICOLSON
1st Jan1570Mary d. George NICOLSON
16th Feb1572Robert s. Thomas NICOLSON
23rd Dec1575Jenet d. Thomas NICOLSON
16th Jan1560Elizabeth d. John ODD
9th Mar1561Elizabeth d. John ODD
28th Oct1567William s. Thomas ODD
22nd Aug1574Richard s. Thomas ODD
11th Dec1575Thomas s. Thomas ODD
12th Aug1560Joan d. Steven PARTRICKE
26th Jul1562John s. Stephen PARTRICKE
14th Apr1560William s. Thomas PHARAM
17th Oct1563John s. Thomas PHARAM
3rd Dec1564Christopher s. Thomas PHARAM
9th May1568Joan d. Thomas PHARAM
27th Apr1571George s. Thomas PHARAM
29th Jun1571Robert s. Richard PINDER
25th Jul1572James s. William PINDER
11th Apr1574Richard s. Richard PINDER
8th Aug1574George s. William PINDER
5th Jun1575Elizabeth d. Richard PINDER
18th Sept1575Nicholas s. Ralph PINDER of Clifton
23rd Aug1562Richard s. Robert POOLE
22nd Aug1568Alice d. Robert POLE
21st Jun1562William s. John ROBUCKE
2nd Sept1565Thomas s. John ROBUCKE
15th Feb1567John s. John ROBUCKE
21st Nov1568Robert s. Thomas ROBINSON
29th May1569Jane d. John ROBUCKE
3rd Feb1571Elizabeth d. John ROBUCKE
1st Jan1573Henry s. John ROBUCKE
21st Feb1562Alice d. William SAULE
25th Mar1564Joan d. William SAULE
8th Sept1566Nicholas s. William SAULE
9th Apr1570Henry s. William SAULE
4th Jun1564Thomas s. John SHAW
20th Jan1565Alice d. John SHAW
6th Sept1562Joan d. John SHORT
8th Jul1565Alice d. Roger SLATER
1st Dec1566George s. John SLATER
17th Dec1567Henry s. Roger SLATER
17th Dec1567Agnes d. Roger SLATER
22nd Jan1569Richard s. Roger SLATER
19th Feb1575Margaret d. John SLATER
27th Sept1562Isabel d. Edward SMALBENT
12th Mar1563Margaret d. Edward SMETON
30th Nov1567Alice d. Edward SMETON
6th Oct1560John s. George SPARROW
21st Dec1571Joan d. Margaret T-CKINTON
13th Aug1570Margaret d. Roger TILLIE
25th Apr1574Alice d. Roger TILLIE
30th Aug1562John s. Stephen TINCKER
1st Nov1564Alice d. Stephen TINCKER
12th May1566Robert s. Stephen TINCKER
20th Jan1571Jane d. Stephen TINKER
7th Mar1559Margaret d. Thomas TYNCKER
5th Feb1560Margaret d John VICARS
1st May1564Richard s. John VICARS
27th May1560Richard s. Richard VINCENT gentleman
1st Nov1562Jane d. Richard VINCENT gentleman
8th Jun1561Christopher s. Edmund WACKDEN
15th Apr1565Elizabeth d. Edmund WACKDEN
1st Aug1568Joan d. Edmund WACKEDEN
13th May1571Ann d. Edmund WACKDEN
6th Oct1560Agnes d. John WAINWRIGHT
26th Apr1562Elizabeth d. John WARD
20th Jan1565Robert s. Henry WARD
24th Aug1567Joan d. Henry WARD
24th Feb1574Mary d. Henry WARD
9th Aug1562Elizabeth d. George WILKINSON
28th Oct1565Joan d. George WILKINSON
21st Sept1567Thomas s. George WILKINSON
12th Oct1567John s. Thomas WILKINSON
10th Nov1560Alice d. Thurstaine WINTER
6th May1565Elizabeth d. Nicholas WISE
25th Mar1567Nicholas s. Nicholas WISE
9th Feb1572Joan d. Thomas WOD
23rd Mar1571Robert s. Thomas WODD
24th Oct1568Henry WOLFET
30th Aug1572Margaret d. Thomas WOOD
9th Feb1560John s. William WYSE
25th Apr1561Joan d. Nicholas WYSE
30th Nov1562Joan d. Nicholas WYSE
6th Jan1567Elizabeth d. William WYSE