Basket Ball Players to Meet Britain’s Strongest Side In London

19 March 1960

South Yorkshire Times, March 19th, 1960

Conisbro’ Basket Ball Players Will

Meet Britain’s Strongest Side In London Trip

Members of Conisbrough Clowns’ Basketball Club are looking forward to the toughest game of their lives – against London Polytechnic – virtually England’s “Harlem Globetrotters”.

Eight members of the “Clowns” who meet at Conisbrough Northcliffe Boys Secondary School, are among a party of 13 who will pay a five day visit to London on April 18th.

And the “Clowns” are not bothered whether 13 is unlucky. “Polytechnic are an international side, and as far as we are concerned victory is almost an impossibility.”  club secretary and treasurer, Mr. Derek Walker told “South Yorkshire Times” this week.

Valuable Experience

He added “Polytechnic will be fielding a rather mixed side and not all their top players will be in the team. Nevertheless this will be our toughest game. We are looking forward to a really good contest. The experience will prove invaluable for our younger players.”

The Conisbrough visitors, travelling in a 14-seater coach, also plan to see the ‘Crazy Gang’s new show “The Clown Jewels.”  Matches with other London basketball sides may be arranged.

Visit will be in charge of Mr. Walker, and Mr. Donald Steels (Captain) – both teachers at the school. The clowns meet under the auspices of the Rockingham Institute of Further Education. The “Clowns” – they chose that name to be unusual – were treated rather frivolously when they first entered the Doncaster League – one of the keenest fought competitions in South Yorkshire – last year, shortly after their formation

But their rivals soon found out that behind the “Clowns” uniform lay the tenacity and endurance of tigers. Within a few months the newcomers climbed their way steadily up the table and last week were fourth.

Attractive Kit

Subscriptions willing given, plus donations from various supporters, soon put “Clowns” on their financial feet. Various items of equipment, including their own special uniform – green vest, with the “Clowns’ badges and red trunks spotted with white – were purchased. “At present the club has a membership of less than 20, but it is hoped to swell numbers in the near future.” Mr. Walker said “Membership of our club is not restricted and we are always on the look-out for new players.”

He added “any youngster interested in the sport can contact me, but all our players have to be above school leaving age. If we can get enough players, we hope to form a second team next season.”

Basketball rivals football at the Northcliffe School, and the sport is being taught to pupils from the fourth form upwards.  Mr. Walker said” Basketball has already created a tremendous interest.  A lot of the lads are very keen players and the school should prove an excellent nursery for our club.”

Mr. Walker (22) an ex-Sheffield College player and an old boy of Mexborough Grammar School is “Clowns” top scorer with a points total of 476 – twice as many as any other player.

Why is basketball becoming increasingly popular? “It’s the toughest indoor sport and not only have players to be 100 per cent fit, but split-second ball control is required.” Mr. Walker said.

Next on the score sheet is Mr. Steels (206).  Other leading “Clowns” scorers are Les Evans (109) and E. Breach (97).