South Yorkshire Times June 1, 1946
Bread Battle
A Denaby example of the success of the Battle for bread campaign locally was given by Coun. A. Mee, at last night’s meeting of the Conisbrough Food Control Committee when he reported that a neighbour who had been in the habit of receiving quantities of waste bread for her pigs had been lamenting that she had only had two crusts in a fortnight. The campaign was definitely doing good.
The chairman, county Coun. B. Roberts, J. P., remarked “I am so sorry for the pigs. But it is good news”. The food executive officer (Mr R. Dunn) stated that leaflets had been sent out in connection with the campaign and he had circularised the woman’s organisations in the urban district and was receiving excellent support from them.
In connection with the distribution of the new nation books, Mr Dunn stated that there had been no queues. He reported that Conisbrough and Denaby were still low with their issues of orange juice and cod liver oil for young children. People were not availing themselves of the facilities.
Mr Dunn paid tribute to the work of Mrs Porter and Mrs Collins in the distribution of the juice and oil and added that a Conisbrough retailer who did not use his premises from Mondays to Fridays had offered to place his premises at the committee’s disposal at a very nominal rent for the distribution of Conisbrough.
On the motion of coun. G. Oldfield it was decided to accept Conisbrough offer and to authorise the food executive officer to endeavour to obtain similar central facilities in Conisbrough.