Mexborough and Swinton Times April 29, 1898
Being on Licensed Premises – A Trumpery Charge
William Barnett, auctioneer, Mexborough, was charged with being on licensed premises, the Station Hotel, Conisborough, during prohibited hours on April 8.
Mr C.W.Andrew, solicitor, appeared for the defence.
Sergeant Brown stated that on Good Friday afternoon he visited the Station Inn at Conisborough, where he found the defendant, who was taking refreshment. He was less than 3 miles from his home, and witness informed him of this, and told him he should report it. He also spoke to the son of Mr Lowe, the landlord, who was informed by him that the defendant said he had come from Doncaster.
Cross-examined by Mr Andrews witness said defendant was driving, and had a conveyance outside. He appeared surprised on learning that he was within the three-mile limit.
Inspector Ambler corroborated.
Mr Andrews, for the defence, said the facts were stated, only the defendant had made a mistake which he thought the should be able to show the Bench was an easily one to fall in to. On Good Friday he went for a drive to Doncaster and returned by way of Conisborough. He pulled up at the Station Hotel for a bottle of hop-bitters acting upon good faith, for he had driven considerably more than 3 miles, but unfortunately he overlooked the fact that he was not 3 miles away from his own home. The defendant was actually a bona fide traveller, and the case was very different from a man and walked the distance merely to get a drink.
The bench held that a technical offence had been committed, but the Chairman said there was no doubt defendant had committed it in error.
Ordered to pay the costs 9s 6d.