Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Monday 24 October 1904
A Big Day for Denaby.
Stone-Laying of the New Fullerton Hospital.
Saturday saw the first practical building step towards the realisation of an accident hospital at Denaby Main, in close proximity to which thousands of miners work at the Denaby and Cadeby pits.
It will, thanks the generosity of Mr. J. H. S. Fullerton, who gave the land for the site, and forwarded the scheme in every possible way, be known as the Fullerton Hospital, and should a boon and a blessing to a busy industrial neighbourhood. It was originally intended to build such an institution in 1897, in commemoration the late Queen Victoria’s Jubilee, but not until now was it found practicable to start.
The plans were prepared by Mr. H. L. Smethurst, and the work of erection is the hands of Messrs. B. Wortley and Sons, builders, Doncaster. The contract has been divided into two parts, that the hospital may be utilised as speedily possible. The first erected will have accommodation for six to eight beds, with usual offices, etc., connected, and the second portion will probably immediately follow on the completion the initial section. The contract price for the whole is £2.444 11s. divided into sub-portions, costing £1,680 and £764 11s respectively. No money is be wasted on undue external decoration, which will have a plain but pleasing appearance.
The site consists acre of land near the cricket ground, and has very pleasing and southern aspect. For its size, it will contain excellent up-to-date conveniences, and will built of local bricks, with stone dressings. Wards, nurses’ room and observation chamber, recreation-room, Boardroom, operating theatre, and usual accessories will be provided, and in addition a caretaker’s and nurses’ home immediately adjoining. The hospital will be warmed by Shorland’s patent Manchester stoves, the floors throughout of marble mosaic, with adamant plaster and walls, with the exception of operating theatre and bathrooms, which will be covered with glazed tiles. The foundation stone consists of a block of Ancaster stone, and will form the base stone to main entrance.
The trustees are the managing directors of the Denaby and Cadeby Main Collieries (Limited), present Mr. W. H. Chambers, who has furthered the project in his characteristic way ; the Vicar the parish for the time being, now the Rev. J. Brookes; Mr. T. Weston, and Messrs. J. Marriott and J. Cooper, of Denaby Main, representatives the workmen. A good working committee has been elected, with Mr. Jesse Hill, of Mexborough, secretary; Mr. H. S. Witty, of Denaby Main, treasurer, and Mr. Frank Allen, of Doncaster, as solicitor.
Much interest was manifested in the ceremony of laying the foundation stone, the company including the Rev. J. and Mrs. Brookes, the Rev. J. and -Mrs. Rigg, Mr. J. S. H. and Master Fullerton (Thrybergh Hall), Colonel Copley (Sprotborough Hall), Drs. Clark, Twigg, and Foster, Mr. Beedon (Thrybergh), Mr. and Mrs. Witty, Mr. T. Weston, Mr. A. H. Barnard, Mr. B. Wortley (Doncaster), Mr. H. Smethurst and Mr. Jesse Hill.
Mr. W. H. Chambers presided, and in his opening remarks reviewed the history of the hospital movement, saying that was a great day for Denaby. Something tangible was started, and he hoped the result would prove a lasting benefit for many, many years. He referred in appreciative terms to Mr. Fullerton’s kindness in giving the land for the site, and the interest he took hospital work.
Mr. T. Weston, who introduced the box collection system for the Montagu Hospital at Mexborough, also spoke in hopeful terms of the future of the hospital.
The Treasurer (Mr. Witty) read the financial statement, which showed that the workmen had £923 8s. 9d., and that amongst other donors, Mr. Montagu, of Melton Hall, had contributed £50. They had now, he said, balance £859 4s. 9d. in the bank.
Mr. Jesse Hill (secretary) presented Mr. Fullerton with a silver trowel and ebony mallet, inscribed as follows:—’ Presented to J. H. S. Fullerton, Esq., on the occasion of the laying of the foundation stone of the Fullerton Hospital, Denaby Main, October 22nd. 1904.”
Mr. Fullerton expressed the deep pleasure he felt being present the inauguration of the proceedings towards the erection of the hospital, which he had taken the very greatest interest. He hoped the building, when completed, would prove a source of help and good the injured of that mining population, and that his son would have a long life, and take as much interest in hospital work as he and his predecessors had done. He then laid the foundation-stone, under which was buried current coin, newspapers, and a short history of the movement that had led to the erection of the hospital.
Sympathy with the scheme was also expressed by Colonel Copley. Votes of thanks were passed to Mr. J. H. S. Fullerton and Mr. W. H. Chambers, who appropriately acknowledged, the latter saying great credit was due to the Denaby and Cadeby workmen for the way they had supported the undertaking.