Mexborough & Swinton Times February 1 1935
Big Entry
Return of Denaby Pest
Gang Terrorism
Alleged to be members of the Denaby Big Entry gang, Samuel Faulkner (27), miner, Marr Street, William Mannion (26), miner, Loversall Street, and John Burns (23), miner, Loversall Street, were each sent to prison for 28 days and Rob Shepherd (22), Tickhill Street, was fined 20 shillings, at Doncaster on Tuesday for being drunk and disorderly.
Inspector Thompson, outlining the case said, these men, with the exception of Sheppard belonged to the Big Entry gang in Denaby. During the past few weeks they have become a pest to the district. People have been terrorised by this gang and have been afraid to complain because they fear reprisals. If you find this case proved then we hope youmake examples of these men.
PC Rose said on January 1st he received information to go to the Fox Inn, Conisborough, as there was trouble inside. He went there in the company of three other officers, arrived there at 10. o5 pm he found the four defendants outside, all drunk, using bad language, and inviting some persons inside the public house to come out and fight.
He spoke to the defendants and told them they would be reported. Faulkner replied “I expect I shall get time,” and Mannion said, “I have been trying to go straight and now I’m in again.” Burns asked for a chance. Shepherd made no reply
Sgt Jackson, after giving similar evidence, said Faulkner was stood outside the public house with a 10 shilling note in his hand, offering to fight anybody in Conisborough or Denaby, the police included. Witness went inside the public house, which the landlady was trying to close. There were some inside who said they would not leave unless they had police protection from the gang outside. They were told they would be looked after and they left. The landlady had been trying to smuggle them out by the back door.
These men go about in gangs of four upwards and when they find someone they have a grudge with they have a first-class row. There is no landlord at this place only the landlady and these men took advantage of the fact if it had not been for the early arrival of the police there would have been real row.
Sgt Jackson the inspector asked witness if Faulkner was “supposed to be a bit of a boxer and went about swanking what he could do,” and the officer replied that was so. Inspector Thompson said there was no doubt that Faulkner was the ringleader.
Sgt of PC Dobson gave Corroborative evidence.
At loggerheads.
Faulkner, on oath said they went into the Fox Inn and ordered drinks when a man named Trout asked him if he belonged to a gang. He (defendant) told them he did not know and immediately Trout jumped at him, coming over a table at him. Faulkner added that he learned boxing in the Army. He had known Trout, who was in the Navy, for seven years, they had had a bit of an argument over a girl and every time Trout came home on leave they were at loggerheads with each other.
Inspector Thompson: Is it not a fact that knowing Trout was on leave you gathered forces, and went from public house to public house looking for him?
Burns had nothing to say and Shepherd denied being drunk and disorderly, Mannion did not appear.
It was stated that Faulkner, Burns and Mannion had previous convictions.
In announcing the magistrates decision the chairman (Col St. Andrews Warde-Aldam) said the magistrates take a very serious view of this case. Obviously a good deal of this sort of thing goes on. We are satisfied this is a gang and that the disturbance was promoted. It is a menace to the community and we are going to have this stopped.
Faulkner, I am satisfied you are the leader of this gang. I’m sorry to see a man, who should be a smart man and learned boxing in the Army should make use of it in civil life. I am sorry to see you here, bringing discredit on a fine corps, the Royal Artillery.