Mexborough and Swinton Times December 1949
Bishop at Denaby
Collation of New Vicar
The Bishop of Sheffield (Dr. L. S. Hunter) told a very large congregation at Denaby Parish Church on Wednesday, when he officiated at the collation and induction of the Rev. A. V. Roebuck, priest-in-charge of St. Luke’s, New Rossington, Near Doncaster, as Vicar of Denaby that it was with very great confidence that he had asked Mr. Roebuck to take charge of the parish because he knew that he had for some years served an extremely good apprenticeship for this particular task in a rather similar district.
The Bishop added that lie hoped Mr. Roebuck’s ministry in Denaby would be very happy and richly blessed. He came to them at a time when they were all anxious about the unusual element of change in the life of their society. Not merely in their own country, but throughout the world there was an unusual amount of change, and in consequence a good many people were wondering how far those changes were going.
God, however, had not ceased His work of creation. He still created and re-created; His nature and