Bishop Dedicates New St. Chad’s Hall
Saturday was indeed a red letter day for Denaby Parish Church members and there was a good congregation to take part in the celebrations of the opening of the new church hall, to be known as St. Chad’s Hall.
The celebrations began with a short but impressive service held in the Parish Church, conducted by the Vicar the Rev. T. N. Evans, assisted by the Lay Reader Mr. T . Holcroft.
The Rural Dean, Canon John Lyth also attended and the preacher was the Bishop of Sheffield Dr. J. F. Taylor, who paid tribute to the work which had been carried out to achieve their object by so many people who had contributed in so many ways.
The hall was a good, dignified and substantial building to serve the church in its social life and in many other ways too. It was a place worthy of the name of St. Chad: it was a real meeting place for Christian fellowship to assist them in their work, and he wished them good luck in their efforts of the future in the new hall, which would, he hoped, be a place of witness to their work for God and their church.
After the service the choir and clergy walked in procession to the new hall, and Mrs. Taylor, the Bishop’s wife, unlocked the door and wished them all good luck and much happiness in their use of the hall.
The choir, clergy and congregation then proceeded into the hall for the short service of dedication, conducted by the Bishop, and afterwards Mrs. Evans, wife of the Vicar, presented Mrs. Taylor with a bouquet with very good wishes and appreciation of their interest in the Parish and the hall from the Denaby Main parishioners. This Mrs. Taylor suitably acknowledged, and said how delighted they were to be with them on such a great occasion.
Attending the service and ceremony were Mr. John Wallis, the architect, and Mrs. Wallis, and Mr. A.J. Milner, representing the builders, Messrs H. Milner and Sons Ltd of Hatfield, Doncaster.
The platform had been tastefully decorated with plants and flowers.
During the evening Mr. E. Sheldrake, Vicar’s Warden, told how, almost 18 months ago, the idea was born in the Vicar’s mind that the parish needed a new church hall.
The old hall had served its purpose and needed much money spending on it, and as it was only a temporary structure the Vicar’s idea grew with the Parochial Church Council, and steps were taken immediately to put into operation plans etc., for a new home for the social life of the church.
They had no money to meet what would be expected, but with faith they set out with a good heart, knowing that the people of the church and its friends had always come forward on these occasions.
They were pleased that they could say they had not been behind hand this time, and he wished to express thanks on behalf of the church to the Bishop and the Diocesan Commissioners for their great help, and the many other people who had given gifts or loaned money through the £5 bond scheme they inaugurated.
They could meet their bills but they had still much to do for they had much money to raise in the future for the paying back at a later date the loans made interest free; and to remember that some large amounts had been lent interest free for three years, so they could not rest now, but together they could work as they had done on many previous occasions, and he hoped their object would be achieved by support given to the future efforts to raise funds.
Mr. Sheldrake also expressed thanks to the architect and the builders.
Refreshments, provided by the ladies of the Parochial Council, were served by them.