South Yorkshire Times May 26, 1956
Boy Admits Breaking into Denaby School Six Times
A 12-year-old Denaby schoolboy was won by Mrs G. M. Paling, chairman at Doncaster West Riding juvenile court on Wednesday, that unless he mended his ways he was “heading for disaster.” The boy had admitted breaking into a Denaby school six times and on the last occasion he had been helped through the window by a 10-year-old boy.
The elder boy was placed on probation for two years and ordered to pay 22s 6d costs after he pleaded guilty to breaking and entering Rossington Street School, Denaby and stealing chocolate value 5s 8d, from the study of the headmistress and jointly with the 10-year-old boy of breaking and entering the school with intent to commit a felony. The 10-year-old boy, who also pleaded guilty, was placed on probation for two years and ordered to pay 7s. 6d. costs.
Inspector F. Brown, prosecuting, said that at 4:15 p.m. on March 24, PS Agus found three Windows at the school open. At 6 p.m. the same day he interviewed the 12-year-old boy who admitted breaking into the school with the help of the younger boy. “We went to pinch some marbles”, the inspector alleged the boy said.
Inspector Brown said that the other offence occurred about a month previous when the caretaker, Mr Joseph Pears, found a classroom window had been forced open and the quantity of chocolate was found to have been stolen from the headmistress’s study. The boy admitted this offence, said the inspector, when interviewed by PC Agus and also said he had broken into the school on four other occasions, taking a writing book, pencil, two marshmallows and four chocolate Father Christmases.
In a statement the boy made, he said, “I went in every time myself, the first time was just before Christmas. I took four chocolate Father Christmases from a Christmas tree.” The boy also said in his statement that he had once forced some drawers with a pair of scissors. Inspector Brown said the boy was placed in a year’s probation for anoffence in 1953