Boy Rescuer Repaid 12 Years Old Debt.

July 1960

South Yorkshire Times, July 18, 1960

Boy Rescuer Repaid 12 Years Old Debt.

Derek Adey (15), who was rescued from the Mexborough Canal 12 years ago, repaid his debt on Sunday by rescuing a 19 years old woman from the River Don at Denaby Main.

“That’s what pleases us most. He has now repaid his debt from many years ago,” said his mother, Mrs Florence Adey, Windmill Cresent, Mexborough

Derek was among the passengers in a motor coach bound for Scarborough, who saw the woman, Mrs Lilly Cawthorne, aged 19, Melton Street, Denaby Main in the water.

He was among the first to the riverbank and without any hesitation went to the rescue by plunging into the water. Both were pulled out my other passengers. Derek gave the woman’s hand to Derek Bramhall, who pulled her out and others assisted.

A woman ran Derek home where he made a change of clothing. Mr Adey did not know of the rescue until Sunday night and assumed at first that he “had been larking about and had finished up in the water.”

Mrs Adey said: “Derek is a strong swimmer. We make sure we learned after he almost lost his own life some years ago when he fell into the canal, and had to be rescued.”

The coach passengers collected £2 for Derek. He shared the money with his friend, David Bramhall (16) of 67, Chaucer Street Mexborough

Subsequently Derek was congratulated by Mr H Newton, a swimming instructor and Denaby Bath and by Mr W.E.Hill, headmaster of Mexborough County secondary school at the Dolcliffe school assembly.

Last Wednesday, Derek, a fourth former, successfully undertook tests for the Bronze Medal of the A.S.A.and on Tuesday of this week he was awarded the swimming proficiency certificate.

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