Mexborough and Swinton Times June 12, 1936
Boys Lapse
Conisbrough Office Broken Into
Two Doncaster boys, aged 14 and 13, were accused at the Doncaster West Riding juvenile court on Wednesday of stealing office requisites value 40 shillings from the Conisbrough Cliff Companies office.
Inspector Wolfe said that on April 2 the cashier locked up the office and went home as usual. The following day the cashier went back to the office and found that a window had been broken, the office ransacked, and various article stolen.
These boys did the damage and took the articles home, but the parents immediately informed the police at Doncaster. In the meantime the Conisbrough police were making enquiries, but the action of the parents considerably lightened their work. All the property are been recovered.
When charge the boys expressed regret. One of the boys was asked by the Clerk if he had been thrashed. He said his father was leaving him the magistrates to deal with.
The father said he had given the boy “a good talking to.” He thought a good talking to from the magistrates would probably be better than a good thrashing. It was stated that the lads had been camping in the district. Both had a good character. Their parents said they could not understand them.
The boys were bound over for 12 months. In one case the father was ordered to pay 10 shillings towards the costs and in the other the costs were remitted because of the parents circumstances.