Brave Miners Rewarded. (picture)

November 1928

Sheffield Independent – Tuesday 27 November 1928

Brave Miners Rewarded.

At the Miners’ Welfare Institute, Denabv last night, Messrs Harry Smith and Herbert Edwards, two Cadeby Main miners, were each presented with the vellum certificate of the Royal Humane Society for saving life. Thev dived into the River Don 24 July, while returning from work, to rescue a man named John Ryan, who was observed in the water. The presentation was made Mrs. Kaye, chairman of the Conisborough Urban Council.


Mexborough and Swinton Times November 30th 1928

Mrs. Kaye, J.P., Chairman of the Conisborough Urban Council, presenting certificates issued by the Royal Humane Society to Herbert Edwards (left) and John Smith (right), for gallantry in saving life in die river Don near the Cadeby Colliery.

When they dived to effect a rescue they had just emerged from the mine in which they had been working all night.