Breaches of Colliery Rules at Denaby Main

September 1892

Mexborough and Swinton Times – September 30, 1892

Breaches of Colliery Rules at Denaby Main

John Leonard, of Mexborough, was charged with committing a breach of special rule 66, at Denaby Main Colliery, on the 19th, by neglecting to fix a drag behind a train of corves.

Mr Hickmott prosecuted, and stated that the defendant knew he was doing wrong, as he had been warned of the offence on tine two proceeding days.

William Soar stated that be saw the defendant driving a train of corves along an incline, 1 in 10. without a back-stay. Witness had warned him of the offence on the two preceding days. Defendant had been employed at Denaby Main Colliery about four or five years

A fine of five shillings and costs was imposed.

Alfred Howlett, corporal at Denaby Main Colliery was summoned for a breach of special rule 5, by neglecting to report a breach of the Mines Rules and Regulations Act, committed a miner.

Mr. Hickmott, who prosecuted stated that defendant had charge of a certain section of the mine, and it was his duty to see that the rules were properly obeyed. On the 16th inst. a miner named Myers was drawing a train of correct without a backstay. It was defendant’s duty to have reported him. As that was the first case under the rule the company did not press the case.

Defendant admitted, and was ordered to pay 3s. and costs, in default seven days’ imprisonment.