Mexborough and Swinton Times, September 27.
Breaches of Colliery Rules.
Albert Frost, miner, Conisborough, was summoned for having committed a breach of special colliery rules 101 by not spragging at Cadeby.
He pleaded not guilty.
Mr W.M.Gichard, solicitor, Rotherham, who appeared for the Colliery Company, said on 3 September. The defendant was working in a place, and he had excavated 13 feet of call, 6 feet under. He left the place without putting in any sprags. When a deputy visited the spot he found the roof had bulged. The condition of the place was very dangerous and might have resulted in loss of life or bodily injury.
Mr W. Baddiley, solicitor, for the defence, said the defendant’s filler, had being taken ill, and the defendant had obtained a permit to leave the mine with the filler. He had mentioned the matter to an assistant deputy named Duce, and he had put in sprags in a part of the undermined portion. He had not a sprag sufficiently long to fit on the Gate head where the call was soft.
If Frost had gone in search of a deputy to procure more timber he would have been fined for travelling in another part of the mine without permission.
The defendant’s case was that there was no timber handy, and he was bound to leave with his filler.
Daniel Henry Wright, a deputy, said he found the place clean. There were props lying about 4 feet away from the place, and there was no chance of them having sprung out stop the props are being put up and withdrawn. It was the duty of the defendant if he wished to leave the place to give notice to a deputy, so that the place might be fenced off.
Mr Baddeley asked if it was not true that a deputation of two men, on behalf of the Miners Association were refused admittance to view the spot?
The witness replied that it was no use them going, because the place and being cleared away, and props were up at the time they wanted to go, Mr H.S.Witty, manager, said the defendant could have procured crops by going a certain distance.
The Chairman (Major Bill) commented on the danger of leaving a working place unspragged, and said the defendant would be fined 40 shillings, including the costs, which amounted to 19s 6d.