Breaking a Man’s Jaw at Mexborough

January 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 29 January 1892

Breaking a Man’s Jaw at Mexborough

Martin Coyne, miner, Denaby Main, was charged on a warrant with having assaulted Richard Smeaton, miner, at Mexborough, on the 23rd inst.

Mr. Baddiley appeared for the defence.

A witness, named Levi Mountford, stated that he saw Coyne give Smeaton a severe blow in the face. This knocked the man down and his jaw was fractured.

Mr. Baddiley said that was quite true. The men had had some words in a public house, and the prisoner gave the blow as stated. It was very unfortunate that the result was so serious, but be maintained that it was accidental and not intentional, that the jaw was broken. A man might be struck a hundred times without his jaw being fractured.

Superintendent Blake asked for a remand, and the prisoner and his father were each bound over in the sum of £10 to appear on Saturday.