Burcroft Hill

May 1970

South Yorkshire Times, May 23rd, 1970

Burcroft Hill

Residents of Burcroft hill who petitioned Conisbrough Urban Council over the “shocking state of the road” have had their plea answered. After an inspection by Councillors the road is to be made up and levelled in the near future.

The petitioners had told the Council that people living at the bottom of the street had to wheel coal down in barrows because coal lorries could not reach them, and that mud and dirt was being trailed into the houses. The Council have recommended that the road be made up and that the Surveyor should also take a look at Burcroft Hill backs, which until this year had no lighting at all, and are still not maintained.

The Burcroft Hill inspection sub-committee appointed by the Council drew up a list of streets to be made up and a priority list of these is headed by Highfields Road. This will be followed by Burcroft Hill, Dearne Street, Don Street and Waverley Avenue.

Meetings are also to be arranged with the owners of properties of unmade streets within the district.