Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 18 November 1892
Cadeby Colliery – Rapid Development
The Cadeby colliery is being rapidly gone on with. The massive iron headgear, similar to Denaby Main, is nearly all up, and in other respects there is an aspect of completeness about the place.
Now these are hard at work in connection with the operations and the “hands” are watched by the villagers of Cadeby with great interest.
Activity is also apparent at the Denaby end. How handy is the thousands of tons of rubbish on the Denaby Main embankment are in connection with the new railway. It is rapidly filling up the space in the meadow.
But it cannot be all “rubbish,” for I see scores of women and children daily with baskets, getting quite a large quantity of good call. It is considerate of Mr Chambers to offer no opposition to this kind of trespass.
I understand, when the line is made, it will have ample arches underneath in case of floods, so that the water shall not be blocked up in the direction of Mexborough.