Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 04 December 1931
Cadeby Disaster 1912 – Distress Fund
The Cadeby Distress fund amounted to £8,000. That disaster took toll of 86 lives, but included among these were a number of Government inspectors, mine managers, and other colliery officials whose dependents did not come on to the fund.
Altogether 57 widows and 135 children were relieved, twelve of the children being born after the disaster. The scale of relief wax fixed at 5s. a week for a widow and a shilling a week for each child up to the age of 14. The last child went off the books five years ago.
There remain eighteen widows who continue receive 5s. a week, and the fund is now diminished to £700, so that if none of the remaining dependants either re-marries or dies, the fund will be exhausted within six years.
It is almost certain that the last dependant will survive the fund, but as an actuarial estimate the scale of relief was fairly accurate.