William Charles Davis
7 Drabbles Yard, Conisbrough.
Linda Goulty, the grandaughter of William Davis has sent a copy of a picture of her Grandad:
Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 13 July 1912
A Gallant Victim (At the inquest)
Mr. Arthur Moody, innkeeper, of Conisboro’, another of the Jurymen, said he would like the heroic conduct of one of the victims to be known. He referred to the case of William Charles Davies. After following his night’s employment and getting clear away, Davies re-joined the rescue party, and he was killed.
In recognition of this act of bravery people at Conisboro’ had subscribed towards a wreath so as to let friends know how much they respected him for what he had done.
” Conisbroite ” writes :- ” By his death, Conisbrough loses a well-known sports man, and above all a hero. The unfortunate young fellow lost his life in a brave attempt to save others. He had finished his own work in the mine and went back to help with the rescue work. He was asked to go out of the mine for refreshments, but declined, and so was entombed through the second explosion, and lost his life.”
Mexborough & Swinton Times -Saturday 20 July 1912
William Davis
7, Drabble’s Yard, Conisboro’
The funeral took pace at Conisbrough Cemetery, on Sunday afternoon, the Rev. H. Rolfe, of the Baptist Connexion ( Doncaster ), being the officiating minister.
The road en route was lined with people, and blinds were drawn as a last token of respect to one of Conisbrough´s best-known athletes.
The Conisbrough United Brass Band headed the procession and played the “Dead March” in “Saul” in an impressive manner. Representatives from football clubs in Sheffield, Doncaster, Mexborough, Carcroft, Bentley and Silverwood attended. The Conisbrough St. Peter´s F.C., with which deceased was intimately associated, was also represented, the president, treasurer, chairman and secretary being present.
Mourners :-
Mrs. Davis ( wife ), Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Ryan ( grandmother ), Elsie and Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. C. Davis, Miss M. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Byers (Birmingham ), Annie, Doris and Percy Byers, Mr. and Mrs. W. Byers ( Leeds ), Mr. and Mrs. A. Halliday ( Leeds ).
The following members of the St. Peter´s Football Club acted as bearers :-
Messrs. C. Moseley, Yeomans, Butler, Harrison, Dawes, and Sheldrake.
The wreaths were numerous and included a beautiful globe, subscribed for by the Football Club, and numerous floral tributes from relatives and friends.
The death occurred on Monday, at her residence, High Street, Conisbrough, of Mrs. Ryan, grandmother of William Davis, one of the victims of the Cadeby mine disaster. Death is believed to have been accelerated by the shock of her grandsons death. The deceased lady was well-known in the village.