Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 20 July 1912
Mining Heroes Funerals
W. Jarratt Phillips (4)
12, Wood View, Denaby Main
On Saturday last the funeral of Mr. Jarratt Phillips, deputy, a hero of the rescue party, took place from his residence, Wood View, Denaby to Conisbrough cemetery.
As the deceased was highly respected by all the workmen who worked under him, they attended in large numbers to show their sympathy, also the officials of No.1 North district, and members of the ambulance class, of which the deceased was a member. A large number of relatives were present at the funeral.
The coffin was of panelled oak, unpolished with brass fittings, and was borne to the grave by Mr. A. Sykes, Mr. Wilkinson, Mr. W. Hodges, Mr. A. Cusack, Mr. Thomas Stone and Mr. A. Westlake ; members of the ambulance corps.
Some beautiful glass wreaths were sent :-
” From his loving Wife and Family,”
” From his Mother, Sister and Brothers,”
” From the Officials of No.1 North district Cadeby,”
A floral wreath was sent from his Brother and Sister, and a harp from his sorrowing Wife.
The whole of the funeral arrangements were in the hands of J. Millwood, of Mexborough.
Funeral, Conisboro Cemetery, Saturday
Priest: Rv. J.W.Tunnicliffe
Mourners: Mrs. Phillips ( widow ), Mr. S. Phillips ( brother ), Mr. P. Winfield, Mr. and Mrs. E. Peters ( daughter and son-in-law ), Misses Gerty, Laura and Gladys Phillips ( daughters ), Mr. Leonard Phillips ( son ), Mrs. Ben Wall ( sister ), Mr. and Mrs. Meredith ( sister and brother-in-law ), Mr. and Mrs. B. Whitlam, Mr. Sam Phillips, Miss E. Phillips, Mrs. Nettleton, Mrs. Millwood, Miss Nellie Nettleton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lunn ( Mexborough ), Mr. Lewisham, Mr. J. Nettleton, Mr. George Nettleton and Mrs. Nettleton, Mrs. Watson Colton, Mr. D. Smeaton and Miss Annie Smeaton, Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Peters, Mr. F. Willis, Mr. J. Worth, Mr. Wilson,
Mr. Mullinew, Mr. J. Wigfield, and Mr. P. Winfield ( Denaby ).
Bearers – Messrs. A. Sykes, A. Westlake, T. Stones, F. Dows, A. Wilding, W. Hodges, W. Wilkinson and G. Stones.